
State Of Resignation

Templars between heaven and hell

State of Resignation,
What does it represent?
It is a state where the person seeking gnosis has reached a point of insight. To understand the state of resignation, it is necessary to gain knowledge of the soul. To understand the soul, it is essential to look at what the soul is and where it originates from. The soul is simply a fragment of divinity that, connected with the divine spirit, makes a human a spiritual being. The soul is given by the organ of fullness (pleroma) to enable the development towards divine status; the soul is not material and can never be made visible. The original intention was for beings like the Light Adam to evolve on the world, making this planet a beacon of divine knowledge and goodness. Because the archon and his creations have established their spiritual realm on this world, the soul is hijacked by the archons, and the physical human must find a path for the soul to escape their domination. The soul begins its journey by descending into a physical body, passing through the seven heavens to reach the earth and the body awaiting it. This descent through the seven heavens impacts the soul; each time, the soul is charged with an Archontic trigger, meaning the soul becomes "tainted" during its descent. This tainting is better known as the seven deadly sins:
Superbia (pride - arrogance - vanity - hubris)
Avaritia (greed - avarice)
Luxuria (lust - impurity - lechery)
Invidia (envy - jealousy - resentment)
Gula (gluttony - excess)
Ira (wrath - anger - vengeance - rage)
Acedia (sloth - laziness - apathy), derived from the Greek "akn6ia"
The soul, burdened with these Archontic triggers, takes its place in the physical body and the personality that develops within it. Since the earth is a school for spiritual development, the personality in the body is repeatedly tested by activating the triggers within the soul. Someone without awareness of spirituality, in the true sense, will eventually become a pawn of the Archontic influences present in the soul. Such a person is called a blind one, living "in" the world, always following impulses without reflecting on their actions. These individuals are entirely under the archons' grip, feeding the Archontic system with negative energy through their earthly behaviour. An example for clarification: Someone is raised from childhood to be successful in all endeavours, leaving no room for spirituality—none. In this life, the focus is solely on personal gain, which is never enough (gluttony); the ego needs constant stroking because the person leading this life always needs affirmation, for even the slightest doubt is seen as weakness (pride). In the pursuit of "happiness" and status, everything must be the best and most abundant (greed). If a competitor surpasses them in, say, wealth, they cannot tolerate it and take action to reclaim superiority (envy). But after a lifetime comes death, and death is not the end; it is merely the end of a physical body and its associated personality, not the soul. The soul wishes to return to the pleroma, but to do so, it must pass back through the seven heavens, each guarded by a toll collector who tests whether the soul is free from the influence planted during its initial descent. If the soul cannot pass because it is not pure, it is sent back to earth by the archons, into a new physical body, where it must again begin to learn what needs to be learned. However, since the soul lacks the purification it requires, it returns to a body tainted with the triggers and residue from the previous life, which can have detrimental effects. Yet, each soul is given an opportunity during its time on earth, an opening from the pleroma, to purify and ascend after physical life to the pleroma. If this opportunity is neither seen nor fulfilled, the soul remains trapped in the already described cycle of reincarnation. If the opportunity is seized and the physical human aligns with what is required of them, efforts can be made to prepare the personality within the physical body to find the state of resignation. The state of resignation is the condition for ascending to the light world after life; once in this state, the archons no longer have any hold over the soul. In the state of resignation, the soul has become connected with the divine spirit or Holy Spirit, which directly originates from the light world. However, the state of resignation is not easy to achieve; it requires much courage and effort from the personality that seeks it. What is the state of resignation? It is a spiritual condition where a person is no longer affected by the triggers that control the soul.
Superbia (pride - arrogance - vanity - hubris)
Avaritia (greed - avarice)
Luxuria (lust - impurity - lechery)
Invidia (envy - jealousy - resentment)
Gula (gluttony - excess)
Ira (wrath - anger - vengeance - rage)
Acedia (sloth - laziness - apathy)
have no hold on a person in the state of resignation. Imagine someone like this: humble, sharing, loyal to their partner, content with what they have, using no more than needed, forgiving, punctual, and precise. And this applies to all aspects of life. Is it possible? Yes, but not everyone achieves it. It is a state only accessible through acceptance of the Holy Spirit, which clarifies why this state is so important. Accepting the Holy Spirit is another aspect of preparing the soul; achieving it requires great effort from the seeker. The aim is to individually, as no one else can intervene, recall all the mistakes made in life one by one and experience the emotions they bring. When guilty, one must ask for forgiveness, not from those wronged but from Him who brought the light into the world. This is what is meant by "clothing oneself with the blood of Christ." Doing this means acknowledging the influence of the archons and a desire to break away from it. It goes deeper than just recognising guilt; it also involves recognising and reconciling the thoughts that motivated the actions as Archontic. Once the spirit has descended, the path to the state of resignation and the pleroma after physical life is open. It sounds simple, but it is not; it demands much from the seeker and can only begin when the seeker finds the entrance to gnosis. This entrance is rarely found alone but rather through the guidance of someone who has already found it. But someone who has reached the state of resignation is so perceptive that the temptations of the world no longer apply; the state of resignation allows the seer to see through the illusions of the Archontic world.

Self-knowledge is Divine Knowledge ~ Divine Knowledge is Self-knowledge


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