
Gnostic Structure

Gnostic Structure
Insight cannot occur without knowing what is at play, both in time and space. The structure of Gnostic thinking is a dual concept, meaning there is more than one God or divinity. On one side is the Pleroma, which is the fullness or light world, containing consciousness, wisdom, and the word, full of mercy, compassion, love, and empathy. From this position, creation was made. The Gnostic experience is highly spiritual, meaning there is no personification as in the Catholic Church, where every name is given an image. On the other side is the material world, tainted by Archontic influences that use matter to keep the physical human under their control. Yaldabaoth has an entire army of archons to bind the physical human to the material world and keep him away from the soul-spirit connection. The archons feed on the negative energy that the physical human experiences in the material world because this physical human is, by nature, a being of light. As long as the physical human remains materially bound, the power of the archons grows. Gnosticism and gnosis are not concepts of a religion; they are concepts of an experience, without rules or obligations, without structures, buildings, or hierarchy. There are no priests, only anointed ones; the anointed have attained a state of resignation, which will be explained further. The Gnostic premise is as follows:
- We live in a world that provides everything for our stay here.
- Our stay on this world is the result of a reincarnation, which was in turn the result of not completing the lessons on this earth.
- We reside on this material world to learn how to free the soul and spirit from the Archontic influences that seek to keep us in the material world.
- One of the tasks is to find the gnosis (knowledge) that can set our soul free.
- During our stay on this world, we may use everything necessary to make the stay pleasant and create an environment where gnosis can be received.
- Excess is discouraged; everything should be used in moderation.
- The greatest goal is to find the state of resignation and never let it go.
- Spreading the gnosis is a task that should always be embraced when the opportunity arises; obligations are forbidden, and everything happens on and out of free will.
- Someone in need should never be overlooked, even if all you can offer is a comforting word or a gesture of compassion; ignoring someone in need is against the experience.
- Always take care of yourself so that you can continue to share what you have with those who need it.
- Always act selflessly; material gains belong to the world of the archon.
- Be a shining example; light has no shadow, so be the light.
Know that these are not rules but merely guidelines; each person must find their own way. Gnosticism is an experience, one that each person feels in their own being. The search for gnosis is like a steep path, full of pitfalls, without safety nets. The effort to find what is sought is personal; the scriptures can help, but it is insight itself that is rewarded. This is a piece from the teachings that Christ gave to his disciples; few understood what He taught them. Only the most sincere remained at the start, and it was not until 550 days after His death that He set them on the right path by appearing to them and giving them one final lesson.


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